Mike Jungerius, known as Human Space Machine, is an underground techno artist and DJ whose journey began with breakdancing, hip-hop, and electro. A graduate of the Rockacademie, he co-founded the electronic music label and collective "De Lichting," now a prominent force in the Dutch and European dance scene. His tracks, supported by industry heavyweights like Jane Fitz, Luke Slater, and DVS1, have taken him to iconic venues such as Tresor, Funkhaus, and De School, as well as festivals like Wildeburg and Down The Rabbit Hole.

I first met Mike in 2020 while working at DJ Monitor in Amsterdam. A memorable moment was discovering his track "Places" on a vinyl from Indigo Aera during my early record shopping days. Charismatic and dedicated, Mike’s talent shone through when he performed at our magazine’s 7th-issue launch party during ADE, a collaboration with Armani Exchange. Dive into his musical journey, recent releases, and the creative process behind his sound.


Director/writer: Joiah Luminosa

Editor in Chief: Timotej Letonja

Photography: Miyanne Maassen van den Brink
Styling: Dirkje Lemminck & Rebecca Kapenga  

Videographer: Nike’ Danae

Location: Amsterdam

Media: Numéro Netherlands


Essined Aponte & Emmanuel Esparza